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Our History - The Full Story

Doors Wide Open was born out of a community response to a gap in the  Alcohol and Other Drugs support sector.  Established in 2016 by its founders,  two women who were traveling the hard road of supporting children in addiction,  it began as a Facebook Support group with the aim of supporting families living with a loved one experiencing methamphetamine dependency.  


Both mothers had a lived experience as mothers who were trying to support children through the devastating health and social impacts to their family as a result of the children's  illicit drug use.  Their experience had identified a clear gap in support for people walking this difficult path. It further demonstrated the need for a more relationally based service that could provide support to both individuals seeking recovery, and the family and friends impacted by their loved one's  illicit drug use. 


Doors Wide Inc was incorporated under the  Associations Incorporation  Act 2015 (WA),  in August 2016.  Thus, as a result of the incredible courage, tenacity and commitment of this amazing trio of women Doors Wide Open was born. Their work continued, with a daughter of one of the mothers joining to share the load, and support for the service grew, as did the requests for assistance. This resulted in the expansion of staff, and an influx of dedicated and supportive volunteers. 


From these humble but amazing beginnings Doors Wide Open has continued to grow and develop further supports and community partnerships. However, we will never forget those early beginnings and those who worked so hard to realise this vital and unique support to families and recoverees, with demonstrated positive outcomes for individuals, families/carers, and the Bunbury community.


We also acknowledge the significant support we have received from our funders, partners, sponsors, community members, volunteers , members of Parliament, and the West Australian Government, including the current member for Bunbury, the Hon. Don Punch MLA. Without this collaborative effort, and the Board members and amazing staff who have worked with Doors Wide Open, our vision and mission could not be fully realised.


42 Forrest Avenue

Souh Bunbury WA 6230

Phone:  08 9787 9298




ABN 18 264 277 628



Monday - Friday: 10 AM - 2PM


If you need  to urgently talk to someone outside of our contact hours call 


If life is in danger call 000


For 24/7 crisis support call

Lifeline  on 13 11 14


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